Monday, September 5, 2011

The Lost Soul Part I

The Lost Soul Part I Image
"IF YOU CAN'T BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH" said by William Everett "Billy" Preston (September 2, 1946 - June 6, 2006), an American rhythm and blues musician, and borrowed by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

Sooooooo...I recently bumped into Jason. He's this guy that I dated for a couple of months two summers ago. I was at a new bar in Old Montreal with my girlfriend. His apartment is nearby. When I spotted him I wasn't sure what would happen if he saw me, since things hadn't really ended between us on a very good note. I saw him squinting his beady, little eyes and remembered that he was practically blind and probably wouldn't see me from where he was seated. I was wrong. He obviously caught sight of me and there we were - face to face.

"How are you?" We both asked one another.

"I'm not doing so well." Was the next thing he said.

"Oh, sorry to hear..." I responded trying to sound sincere.

"Ya, I'm really not in such a good place emotionally. Been feeling very down, very depressed, very suffocated." Why was he telling me this? "I'm in therapy...and not with Kate." Kate was the Life Coach he swore by when we dated.

"Good for you." I had thought Kate was a quack.

And then he was gone again to canoodle with the transsexual prostitute looking person he appeared to be on a date with.

That first date with Jason, a year and a half ago, was fine. He picked me up in a fancy car that I had never seen on the road before. It kind of looked like the Batmobile but with cheesy, red, leather seats. He was wearing glasses (thank god because as I mentioned before he is half blind). I had seen a couple of pictures of him on Facebook so I knew he wasn't going to be 100% my type even though our Matchmaker described him to me as "gorgeous." He took me to the restaurant that my biggest heartbreak used to take me to, which made me feel a little queasy. The conversation flowed, but I didn't really feel such a strong attraction to him. In fact, I didn't quite get a lot of what he was saying. He proudly talked about his recent personal and spiritual growth (a concept I get), but I felt he spoke very senselessly about it. I assumed it was that I was probably distracted by the memories that were triggered by the environment. Jason was polite, Jewish, relatively handsome and drove a snazzy car. He was a parent's wet dream. So, after that night, I went out with him again.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Shawn Nelson - The Dating Resource Report
Theron Lalla - The Natural Pua Bible

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