When you're at a bar or nightclub, you're not limited to just using words to take things to the next level. There are plenty of PHYSICAL things you can do that dial up the attraction big time. Watch guys who are naturally great with women, and you'll see they use both words and physical elements to get the results their looking for.
Plus, the physical stuff I'm about to share with you is just a helluva lot of fun.
CAUTION: Some of these tactics you can use when you first meet a woman, and some are better saved when you've been talking a while and she's showing some interest. Decide for yourself which tool to use in each situation.
Here are a few to get you started:
- When you bust on her, poke her playfully on her side
- If she busts on you, put out your hand like you're going to congratulate her by shaking her hand, but instead take your other hand and slap hers and say "The next one is going to be on your ass, so don't push it...."
- Bump her with you arm and say "Watch it, punk"
- "Do you like it when guys do this..." and then grab the hair right about her neck line
- When you first get introduced to a girl, grab her hand like you're going to kiss it. At the moment where you can almost see her rolling her eyes and thinking, "Oh no, not another wuss," instead of kissing her hand, kiss YOUR OWN. Classic.
Any time you can treat a very attractive woman like she's "one of the guys," it's golden. Think about it - she's getting all this attention at the club, but you're pushing her, teasing her, busting on her, etc. It communicates all the right things. The ordinary rules don't apply to you. You're not intimidated in the least, and her beauty has no power over you.
So do things that show she's just one of your buddies... one of the dudes. In fact, call her "dude." When you have an opportunity to bust on her say, "Dude, you are so stupid... what are you doing?" in a playfully mean way. No guy calls an attractive woman "dude." When you do, it instantly sets you apart in a funny, challenging way.
If you've got a good vibe going with a girl, experiment with the "How well do you know your body" test. (I got this one from a good friend of mine.)
It has 2 parts. In the first part, you have her turn her arm over. Then you slowly run your finger up from her inner wrist to the inside of her elbow joint. Have her close her eyes and try to tell you when you get to the joint. Almost always she'll tell you to stop way before you get there, so bust on her for it.
In part 2, you do the same thing, but this time you run your finger up from her knee to her hip. Do it slowly, and watch her face for signs that she's getting turned on.
Ask her if she gives good hugs. If she says yes, motion for her to give you a hug. Give her a score from 1-10.
When she asks you if you can do better, tell her of course. Now, to give a good hug, start with your hands on her sides, and then slowly slide your finger tips from her side to across her back and give her a firm, deep hug. Then when you let go, do the reverse - slowly slide your fingers across her back and back down to her sides. She'll give you at least a 9, trust me.
Ask her if she knows the right way to whisper in someone's ear. She'll tell you to go first. So reach over, grab the hair just above her neckline and pull. Then move in slowly, breathing on her neck as you move to her ear, pause, and then whisper, "Never mind."
Feel free to escalate from here and play the "Do You Know How To Kiss" Test, etc.
Now, what's really going on "behind the scenes" with all these games? You're communicating not only that you're messing with her, but also that you're comfortable with the physical stuff and that you know A LOT in this area. Women love this.
And if you're reading this and saying to yourself, "I am SO ready to learn more techniques like these to take things to a physical level with any woman I meet," then I have to tell you something...
You're right.
And if you don't know how to smoothly progress from one physical level to the next, I can guarantee that you are missing opportunities to "connect" with a lot of great women. Or, maybe just that one special woman you have your eye on.
By David DeAngelo
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