Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Tell The Signs If Your Boyfriend Is Cheating

How To Tell The Signs If Your Boyfriend Is Cheating Image
Did you ever get the feeling that your boyfriend is cheating on you? Did you used to have dates often but that has become infrequent now? Is he spending more time with his "friends" more than usual rather than spend time with you? Or is he making lame excuses just to not meet you?

If you answered "Yes" on all questions then you probably have a cheating boyfriend. I'm saying probably, because there are still other things that you can investigate if you want to be assured that your boyfriend is really cheating on you. To help you with that, here are some signs that will help you tell if he is cheating on you.

If your boyfriend is having some emotional distance with you, then that is one of the tell tale signs that your boyfriend is cheating on you. However, it is normal for relationships that you would have distance after the novelty has subsided and that you both enjoy spending some time alone. This does not mean that he is cheating, only that your relationship is now on a comfortable phase. Still, take note if there will be any consistent unnatural behavior that he will show like if he is physically there but he's far off mentally, because that could mean that your cheating boyfriend is thinking of his other woman.

Spending time together, just like the intensity of the relationship also becomes lesser over time. However, spending lesser time together is different from not spending any time with each other at all. If you are used to seeing each other twice a week, then that is okay. If there will be times that you can't see each other, that does not mean that he is already cheating on you, there maybe some important matters that needs his attention for now like his work. However, if it lasts longer than usual then be suspicious especially if he cannot even devote his time with you on weekends. This is especially true if even the little time that he spends with you, he is even irritated or almost not there at all.

Although trust is important in any relationship,you also need to take a look at what your mom has told you. A woman's instinct is almost never wrong, follow it if you think that you have a cheating boyfriend, but be sure to have some sense of rationality before you make any action that will destroy the relationship because you think that he is a cheating boyfriend. Ask yourself if the feelings that you are having have some basis or it is just another figment of your imagination.

These are some of the tips to tell if you have a cheating boyfriend. However, these tips are not meant to make your relationship to be based on suspicions, these are just warning signs so you won't appear idiotic even when your cheating boyfriend is so lenient in keeping his woman to you.

Lastly, don't just accuse him of being a cheating boyfriend, make sure that you have proof of his cheating or he will just deny it, or if it is not true, it might put an end in your relationship.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Saira Mohan - How To Seduce And Marry The Woman Of Your Dreams
Don Diebel - How To Talk To Single Women When On A Date
Christian Godefroy - How To Control Your Brain At Will

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