Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Okay To Kiss

Okay To Kiss Image
Have you ever been on a date, about to get intimate, then find yourself doing a quick breath check in the palm of your hand?

A new pocket-sized breath test could be the answer!

Reasearchers at Tel Aviv University have come up with the perfect solution - a pocket-sized breath test that turns blue if you need to brush or stays clear if you're ok to smooch. The test itself checks to see if malodorous bacteria are brewing your mouth, which are believe to be responsible for bad breath.

The new test, branded as the OkayToKiss kit, is small (about the size of a pack of gum) and easy to use. You simply pull it out of your pocket or purse, dab a little bit of saliva onto the small window, and results appear instantly.

While the new test sounds appealing, I have to wonder how popular it will be. It's so easy to just pop a breath mint any time you're about to move in, even though breath mints just disguise the odor most of times rather than actually eliminating it. The biggest downside I see to the OkayToKiss test? It's a little inconveient to pause "in the moment" to test your breath. You could test before you get to that stage, but then you'd have to carry a toothbrush as well. Still, if you're going to get hot-n-heavy, this test is a lot more reliable than popping a mint.

So, the next time you're hoping to lean in for a smooch, pull out your trusting breath test first! Oh, and a little chapstick never either!

(Credit: Image courtesy of American Friends of Tel Aviv University)

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Jp Jacquard - Easy Mentalism
Rachel Davis - Conversation King
Dating Insider - The Hello Kiss

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