Friday, September 3, 2010

Mystery Spells Pua Opener

Mystery Spells Pua Opener Cover
Do you think spells work? The reason I'm asking is because my friend over there met a girl in a club last week. He wasn't interested in her sexually, because she wasn't really his type. Anyway, she hung out at his house and after she left, he found a metal ring wrapped around a scroll and some feathers under his couch. Well, he took it to a magick store and they said it was an attraction spell. And now, the strange thing is, he can't stop thinking of her. Do you think it's the spell or just psychological?

Recommended books (free to download):

David Deangelo - Dave M Interview Special Report
Kevin Hogan - Covert Persuasion
Derek Vitalio - 3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines

Labels: motives women  seducing deaf women  confidence women  tyler durden hair  cycle dating  signs flirting  time relations  long time relations  orgasm advance fingering  masculine power  going first  


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