Friday, September 3, 2010

Advice On How To Make A Girl Like You

Advice On How To Make A Girl Like You Cover
As you know, every girl is different: what works to get one attracted to you might not work with the next one, so it makes sense to elaborate a seduction system on HOW TO FLIRT WITH WOMEN that takes that fact into account, right? And yet, there are countless guys who use the same routines with every girl they approach, without first considering their personality type and adjusting their strategy accordingly, and so when they do seduce a girl is usually because they used the right techniques or because of pure luck.

There are of course a lot of general tips that could work with the majority of women, such as looking good, being confident, listening to her, etc that have a high probability of working with the majority of girls, and learning them is of course the first step on the way of becoming a great seducer, but where to go after learning the basics? The answer is to learn how to tell a girl's personality after just a few words, or perhaps even after a brief look, and use a pickup strategy that matches her type.

It's actually possible to split girls into several different personality types, and use proven but different techniques for each of them: by doing that you'll have a much higher chance of success if you aim to get good at HOW TO GET GIRLS TO LIKE YOU; that said, such advanced techniques go beyond the scope of a short articles like this, but if you're interested in becoming a top pickup artist and being able to get all the girls you want, you should definitely check the Pandora's Box System, as it is all about HOW TO GET A GIRL TO LIKE YOU and the different techniques and approaches you should apply after determining her personality type (more info on the first posting).

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Debra Benton - How To Act Like A Ceo
Maniac High - How To Lays Girls Guide
Leil Lowndes - How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

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