Saturday, September 18, 2010

What That Dad

What That Dad Cover
A young boy goes to the zoo with his father. As they are passing the elephant exhibit the youngster looks over at the elephant.

After a few seconds he turns to his Dad and asks "Dad, what's that hanging down from the elephant?"

His father replies "That's his trunk son."

"No, no, dad," says the boy, "at the back."

"Oh, that's his tail" replies his father.

"No, dad," the boy says, "Between his legs."

The father looks over and replies "That's his penis, son."

The young lad thinks about the answer for a minute, and then says to his father, "Last week, mommy told me that was nothing."

"Well son," replies his father, "You have to remember that your mother is a very spoiled woman."

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Henry James - The Portrait Of A Lady
Lance Mason - 6 Easy Steps To A Hot Date
Chad Manning - Honest Truth About Woman

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