Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Online Dating Does Favor Heavily Women

Online Dating Does Favor Heavily Women Image
YestedayI was talking to friends of mine (gf and Bf) not from the community, and at some point of conversation "The Game" came up. It seems both of them have read it, in fact book was part of the book club monthly reading the girl was a member of. It seems a lot of women have read the game. As conversation continued on the topic of the game, she mentioned that when last time she had a party, almost every guys who saw "The game" on the book shelf, have recognized it and read it. Considering that 90% of the people donut read books beyond college, this an interesting phenomenon. It seems "The game" is breaking the 90% no reading rule, and more guys tell other guys to read it. Another question is, how many guys will use ideas from the game now? and how many will use it in a year? because if something doesn't work and we know there is a solution, sooner or later we will move to that solution. Its a matter of time, so if they dont find someone naturaly, tendency to go back to the source of advice. In this case "The Game"

At some point, the guy friend said: the pick up guys doing things that unnatural. It made me smile, why does we, as guys do it? an interesting question, that has many answers. We want women, we want to feel confident, get what we want... but this is all just an upper layer reasons. If we look at how dating has changed in last 10 years, with introduction of online dating (read other posts bellow that go in depth on it), the switch of power clearly favored women in online dating.

Because if the guy was good at meeting women off line, he was still good online, while if guy has trouble meeting women off line, he will not be meting women he likes on line. So in this case nothing changed for men, however if women wasn't good at meeting people off line (no time, not social, etc) but sufficiently cute, she couldnt display herself (because thats about all that woman needs to do). With internet dating, she now can talk to men, bunch of men who all can contact her, without leaving a room, which resulted in dozens guys contacting her daily (she has to become more picky, if before good enough was enough, no she doesnt have to settle for good enough) Scary thought, but boy how true it is. Have you spoken to your female friends who do online dating? Do it, they normally gets dozens IOIs (indications of interest), every day from online suitors. Now think about yourself? do you as a guy, get dozens requests for talk every day? how about 1? So whom does online dating favors?

It favors guys with solid social skill, and women. Those guys with social skill, if before they could have approached 1 or 2 women, now they contact dozen women and since they have advantage of solid social skill, they will get a much better return on their emails then average guys. The guys with weaker social skill have no chance. None and shot.

What i am saying is, is it possible that online dating switch pendulum in one direction? and pickup community l is just balancing it out? I think its reasonable to think that solution was needed, since online dating does favor heavily women and social guys. Thats what i told to my friend, and he thought about it, and was like "hmmmm you might be right". Am I? who knows, all i know for sure, online dating have changed dating scene heavily. There is much less investment in time, and conversation can cut short for no reason. Walking eggshell for many guys. This only has reconfirmed societal influence of women to make choice, and gave her even more choice with new technology. I think pick up and growing ballz, was necessary and natural evolution to our more and more mobile/internet dating and abundance of choice.Sign up for Pick up Future RSS feed.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Brian Caniglia - Online Dating Secrets
Elena Petrova - Dating Advice For The Newly Single
C Kellogg - Top Dating Tips For Weary Singles

Labels: free online dating for big women  get girls number  younger men dating older men  dating a married woman advice  david deangelo become mr right  alpha male traits  baby body language  


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