Friday, January 28, 2011

The Withdrawal Method Works

The Withdrawal Method Works Cover
After being told time and time again that the withdrawal method can still lead to pregnancy, it seems that the withdrawal method is almost as effective as the male condom - at least when it comes to pregnancy.

A paper in the June 2009 issue of Contraception magazine (no, seriously it does exist), written by RACHEL K. JONES, a senior research associate at the Guttmacher Institute (yes, a woman) states that "if the male partner withdraws before ejaculation every time a couple has vaginal intercourse, about 4% of couples will become pregnant over the course of a year."

With condom use, about 2% of couples become pregnant.

Typical use of withdrawal leads to pregnancy 18% of the time; for typical use of condoms, 17% of the time. "Typical use" means that in the heat of sex, people usually fumble around and make mistakes. So typically, we get the condom on right or we don't pull out because it just feels so damn good.

So you know what's going to happen now, right?

One bunch of dummies is going to start using the withdrawal method and will land themselves some STDs - some will be keepers, others will require antibiotics.

And another bunch of idiots will become parents.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Edward Carpenter - The Intermediate Sex
Dating Insider - The Network
Juggler - The Juggler Method

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