Sunday, February 27, 2011

Solutions And Treatment For Mens Hair Loss

Solutions And Treatment For Mens Hair Loss Cover
If you have started to notice that you are losing your hair you don't have to sit back and let it all fall out. There are many treatments available that will help stop your hair from falling out. Losing you hair can have a big impact on your confidence and sex appeal; however there are ways to treat it which I am going to discuss. If you want to find out about the causes of hair loss, read my post below.

=> 10 Causes Of Hair Loss


If you suffer from male pattern baldness you have several options. You could get an artificial wig or weave (I don't recommend), chemically treat it or invest in a permanent solution.


If a man has medical conditions or allergic to certain hair treatment drugs, then wearing a wig or weave is an option. You can buy realistic looking wigs these days that are made from human hair. However, wearing a wig can be risky, especially if it looks unnatural or the wind catches it. I personally think that if you're losing your hair and its really noticeable, you should shave your head instead of opting for a wig.


There are two medically FDA approved drugs available to treat hair loss.

* Propecia (Finasteride)
* Rogaine (Minoxidil)

Both products increase the coverage of the scalp and slow down further thinning of the hair. Propecia prevents the change of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which shrinks hair follicles, and Rogaine stimulates hair follicles.

Unfortunately, neither medication will construct a full head of hair. The effectiveness of each medication will depend on the cause of hair loss, and the individual's response to the drug. Both medications work best if your hair loss is recent and if it occurs at the top of the head instead of near the forehead.

In most cases the drugs take a few months to produce a noticeable effect. However you need to keep taking the medication otherwise, any hair that grew back will be lost overtime and within a year your scalp will return to how it was before.


Hair transplantation is a permanent treatment. It involves moving some hair from hair-bearing portions of the head to the bald or thinning areas of the head. However, because surgery can take a lot of time and skill and needs a few procedures, it is very expensive. If you have the money and considering hair transplantation, make sure you check that the surgeon is qualified, board-certified and experienced.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Tyler Durden - Silly Routines For Silly Chicks
Arnold Bennett - Mental Efficiency And Other Hints To Men And Women
Alphahot1 - Seduction Trends Dealing With Womens Jack Ass Tests

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