In order to get to know someone it is best to stay away from questions that have an ulterior motive. Trying to illicit information indirectly is best left to professionals. As an example, one current dating site suggest that you if you are interested in knowing the chances of sleeping with someone on the first date that you should ask if your date really enjoys the taste of beer. Planning ahead and preparing a list of things to talk about can keep your conversations from dragging. Talking about things that are in pop culture is a great ice breaker and helps to find the proper direction learning about each other.
1. Do you prefer television, reading or movies for entertainment?
2. If you could travel to anyplace in the world this weekend where would go and why?
3. Do you enjoy indoor or outdoor activities?
4. What makes you laugh or cry?
5. Do you follow popular music or do you have a particular taste that you enjoy most?
6. What kind of take-out food do you enjoy the most?
7. Is life a serious undertaking or a great and wonderful game?
8. If you could change your lifestyle would you do it and how?
9. What are you really passionate about?
10. What is the best place you have ever been and why is it the best?
Listing these as the top 10 first date questions might be a little presumptuous based on all the dating advice that is available. Regardless of the questions or conversations that you are able to start the most important first date tips always have and always will revolve around being relaxed and enjoying the person with whom you are spending time. Always remember that this is just one date and that it is the first date. It takes more than just a couple of hours to get to know someone especially if you are looking to build a long term relationship.
Developing a plan for a first date can be the toughest part and there are a few tips that you should remember. The first was mentioned earlier and that is to relax, but you should also be yourself and be just a bit flirty. This shows a playful side but do not get carried away, simply touching someone on the arm, smiling or making and maintaining eye contact are great clues that you are interested and that they are important. Watch your body language so that you are not sending improper signals and above all be honest with your date. Actively listening to the other person and being prepared with some topics of conversation will get you over the jitters and keep things lively. Put away your cell phone during the date and make sure you are dressed comfortably for the activities that you have planned.
Very few people are really good at starting and maintaining conversations for an extended period of time. It takes practice but it also takes a willingness to engage others in a way that may be uncomfortable at times. A date is not a job interview for either person and should not be treated like one. However, preparing a list of questions, like the top 10 first date questions listed here, will help keep your date fun, lively and open to many more dates in the future.
* Top 10 First Date Questions For When The Conversation Begins To Lag
* First Date Do's Dont's: Tips to make your first date go smoothly
* First Date Conversation Tips To Remember
* First Date Tips To Help You Build A Successful Relationship
* First Date Questions: How To Get A Conversation Started
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