Tuesday, August 9, 2011

By Maria

By Maria Image
I met a married man 1-1/2 years ago. I was recently widowed & he just wanted to make me feel a part of the circle of friends i had met at the local bar. one (1) year later, he started showing interest. I never noticed. Finally, he approaced one day & said that he really liked that we had common interests, he found me tremendously attractive & that one day he could see me spending the rest of his life with me. I was shocked because I never saw it coming. But missing my husband so much, I was flattered & within a month, we started spending more time together but only at the bar. I wasn't really ready to move on, but his flattery made me more interested. there was flirthing, innocent touching & finally it was his birthday & I inadvertently showed up at the bar on this birthday. He was elated! He introduced me to his son, many friends & told me how happy he was when he saw me walk into the bar. We talked all night, he was attentive & I finally acquiesed & let him kiss me which made me swoonhim too! Then the problem started.he said he felt guilty,

couldn't do this, etc. Let me preface this by saying he was in an unconventional marriage;

in that he hadn't had sex in the last 15 years, his wife was a chronic alcoholic (verified)

& had a chronic back condition requiring surgery & rehab for her alcoholism. I told him that he took marriage vows and although i was flattered by his interest in me, I couldn't respect him if he didn't try his hardest to make his marriage work. He agreed and i could

tell he respected me for my insight. Even so, he still shows interest in me & we have never had sexual intercouse.a few make-out sessions that were wonderful. He remains loyal to his marriage, which i honor & respect, but i know we have a definite attraction to one another..I can tell the way he looks at me.it's just something a woman knows! I'm totally attracted to him but would never to anything to compromise his marriage. How do I proceed from here.let him come to me?avoid him completely?I don't know where to go from here.please help!

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Julius Fast - Body Language
Tyler Durden - Pua Aura

Labels: cocky funny david deangelo  how do get a girl to like you  dating foreign men  pick up lines jokes  economics pick up lines  free online dating rich men  men s body language attraction  


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