couldn't do this, etc. Let me preface this by saying he was in an unconventional marriage;
in that he hadn't had sex in the last 15 years, his wife was a chronic alcoholic (verified)
& had a chronic back condition requiring surgery & rehab for her alcoholism. I told him that he took marriage vows and although i was flattered by his interest in me, I couldn't respect him if he didn't try his hardest to make his marriage work. He agreed and i could
tell he respected me for my insight. Even so, he still shows interest in me & we have never had sexual intercouse.a few make-out sessions that were wonderful. He remains loyal to his marriage, which i honor & respect, but i know we have a definite attraction to one another..I can tell the way he looks at's just something a woman knows! I'm totally attracted to him but would never to anything to compromise his marriage. How do I proceed from here.let him come to me?avoid him completely?I don't know where to go from here.please help!
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