I've come across two clients this past week and I wanted to spend some time talking about them. In my pick up career, I've come across a lot of successes and also a lot of failures and plenty of guys will come to me asking "man, will I ever get good at this?". So I wanted to address that pressing question.
Also wanted to give some quick feedback on the clients, I'll address you guys by your first Initial
J - nice job this weekend, you've definitely made HUGE strides with your approach anxiety. STOP being so nice, you can be quite physically intimidating, and I need you to represent that. Girls love guys that can protect them, convey that to them! Don't lose your fun side either, I can tell you had fun this weekend, carry that on forward.
L - Your AA is almost non existant, keep it that way and keep going out, the odds WILL work in your favor sooner or later just by the law of large numbers. Keep it up, you're one of the strongest fighters I've seen and I admire that.
L(Alumnus) - You're getting super close buddy, I commend you for your commitment and your ability to show a good example to our other students, keep it real bro, mad respect and made kudos, few guys will make it as far as you did.
M - you rocked this weekend, given our convo before the bootcamp, I didn't think you'd make it that far, I was horribly mistaken. You've proven over the weekend that you've acquired the tools and I can tell that you will be a force to be reckoned with in no time.
Anyway, moving onwards, I want you to take client x and client y (both real clients) and if you're the clients reading this, I want you to pay even closer attention. So client x came in EXTREMELY reluctant, he's been relying on escorts to fulfill his sexual needs for quite some time and has a genuine bitterness towards women. Even before his bootcamp, he comes in thinking "well, I'm going to just TRY this bootcamp and hopefully it works". I'm sure you can already guess his outcome.
Now take client Y, before coming into the bootcamp, he was already an avid follower of self help programs and actually is a part time life coach and understands the work and attitude necessary
I want to discuss their results which I think you'll find to be a bit of a shock. I just saw a post from client X, "9 months and 400 approaches later, I still haven't gotten anywhere" and well I think the conclusion is pretty evident.
Client Y I just coached this past weekend in Orlando. The first night, I see him pull two 8's back to our table and run textbook game on them, a little shaky at times, but he's learning at a pretty fast rate. I thought that first night was a fluke only to be disproved as his brought his guns out again on the second night and went even farther.
Both of these men had paralyzing approach anxiety and both had a blank slate coming in. It really blows my mind that something as simple as attitude will make ALL the difference. I'm not going to break down the sets for both clients, but the results are enough to make the point.
Here's a simple thought for the guys that are still on the fence, try not to come into pick up with any expectation, try to REALLY adopt the "fun/fake" approach in developing your game. Honestly, while I do have my active game down, I'm constantly working on my passive value, I'm constantly upgrading myself and quite frankly, the girls, all they are is an indicator of my improvement. In other words, don't get into pickup for the women, get into pick up for yourself. Make yourself a better man, don't demonstrate higher value. BE higher value.
I want to make a small reading list recommendation for any guys wanting to not only improve their game, but just improve their life:
1. Unlimited Power - Anthony Robbins2. Way of the Superior Male - David Deida3. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Excellent books that will change your perspectives on a LOT of things in life and more importantly will motivate you in the right direction on whatever it is that you're pursuing in life.
If you become what you need to become, you will receive what you need to receive.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Cucan Pemo - What Does Your Man Really WantJoseph Matthews - Break Out Of The Friends Zone
Carlos Xuma - Secrets Of The Alpha Man
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