Blog 68
Yes, the Internet allows you to highly systematize certain parts of your leadership skills. And if you know how to target and attract an online audience, it gives you a large group of potential distributors, who actually contact you and ask to join you. Yes, this can greatly accelerate your growth. But don't get seduced!
This is called the Triumph Palace; a 57-story building in Moscow containing about 1,000 luxury apartments. The construction began in 2001 and was finished on 20 December 2003, topping out at 264.1 meters (866 ft), making the tallest apartment building in Europe.
It is sometimes called the "Eighth Sister" because it is similar in appearance to the Seven Sisters skyscrapers built by Joseph Stalin through the 1950s in his attempt to have Moscow rival New York City's tall buildings. That passion has been rekindled in Moscow today. The Triumph Palace was actually the tallest building of any kind in Europe, until it was beat in 2007 by an even more modern Moscow sister, the 268 meter Naberezhnaya Tower block C, now holds the European record.
It is part of the The Moscow International Business Center (IBC) online the Moscow River, here seen in a picture taken looking from the West, in May of this year.
It is the first development zone in Russia to combine business activity, living space and entertainment in one single project. Conceived in 1992 and under construction since the late 90s, it is estimated that eventually 250,000 - 300,000 people will be working, living, or visiting the complex at any one time. You can see how it sitting along the river in the background of this wide shot taken in March of this year looking from the East.
In front of the Moscow IBC you can see one of the old Stalin Sisters, in this case, the Ukraine Hotel on Kutuzovsky Prospect, and then closer in the foreground are examples of the many thousands of more common apartment buildings in Moscow.
Elena and I do NOT live in the Moscow IBC. Our apartment is a bit further to the East down the river, in the very center of the city, near the Kremlin and the National Cathedral, at Kropotkinskaya Metro Station.
We purchased it for cash many years ago, just a few years after real estate was first privatized. Back then it was rather reasonably priced. Don't ask us what our apartment would cost today. We have no idea.
In 2008, Moscow ranked #1 on the list of most expensive cities in the world, for the third year in a row. A big part of the expense is the rent of your apartment -- if you are so unlucky as to NOT own it outright.
During Soviet times, as you probably know, the government owned and controlled all real estate. Standard apartments were built in great numbers all over the city and lent to people according to a "square meters-per-person" allotment. Of course, some groups, including people's artists, heroes and prominent scientists had housing bonuses according to their honors. But everyone else had their standard allotment -- if you were patient enough to wait your turn.
So back then almost every adult Muscovite had their flat, or shared their allotment with others, but nobody actually owned it.
Then suddenly, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, and rapid growth in private business that followed, people were permitted by the city government to secure property rights to the places they inhabited -- not actually to the building itself, but to their apartment in the same way people own a condominium in the West. Thus, almost everyone suddenly OWNED their apartment, and a booming real estate "second market" ensued.
Of course, not everyone could participate in this market; only those who are well off enough in the new economy to have the cash to play. And to this day the properties actually available in that market at any moment are limited to people who actually want to sell their apartment right now -- which is only a small percentage of apartment owners. So the supply is actually rather limited, and has always been less than demand. So in consequence, since the early 90s in both good times and bad, the price of a flat in Moscow has continually risen.
Today you can expect to pay 4000 in average per square meter (11 sq ft) in the outskirts of the city, and 6,500-8,000 per square meter in a prestigious district. And prices sometimes may exceed 40,000 per square meter, in the elite areas.
And these are not LARGE apartments -- just small flats. A typical one-bedroom apartment is about thirty square meters (323 sq ft), a typical two-bedroom apartment is forty-five square meters (485 sq ft), and a typical three-bedroom apartment is seventy square meters (753 sq ft). Elena and I have three bedrooms.
As you might expect, the price for renting an apartment has followed the price for buying one outright. Today it costs about 1500 per month to rent just a studio in the center of Moscow, 2500 per month to rent a 1-bedroom apartment -- and the prices go up from there.
This rent exceeds the monthly salary of most Russians. And the other costs of living -- food, clothing, transportation, etc., take up most of their monthly check. So many Muscovite families simply remain living in the apartment originally granted them by the state during the Soviet era. They don't move -- why would they! It's a real hassle for most people with limited funds to sell their flat, only to buy another one somewhere else, at a similar or higher price -- and have to pay taxes in the middle. Why do it?
Many city residents cope with the cost of living by putting their apartment up for rent and living on that income, while staying in their dachas (country houses) outside the city. It's a nice alternative for people who want to retire and enjoy life outside the city.
Of course, some Muscovites are well off enough live in both their flat in town and their dacha outside. The entrepreneurs all do it. It depends upon how well they run their business. And there are many successful entrepreneurs in Moscow today.
One large group of entrepreneurs are MLM Top Leaders. They do very well here. As they build their MLM business, their income usually surpasses the cost of living, so they have the funds to play the real estate market -- if they choose. Or at least to enjoy moving into one of the renovated or new apartments going up all over town.
So how is your MLM business doing? As we have been discussing in recent posts, you can give your MLM business a great boost by taking it online.
Yes, the Internet allows you to highly systematize certain parts of your leadership skills. And it gives you a vast audience of potential distributors, if you know how to target and attract them. Yes, it can greatly accelerate your growth.
This depends upon:
* How well you have simplified the steps 1-10 -- so your down-line can copy you.
* How well you develop and offer quality virtual products -- that build real credibility
* How well you complete the last 3 steps -- that actually duplicates your system in your downline.
So as we have emphasized, if you do not actually have the leadership skills we have been outlining, if you are only faking these skills or simply trying to copy others, the Internet cannot help you that much. It will simply magnify your incompetence.
Remember - people are attracted to someone they feel actually has what they need! They can quickly discover how little you actually have to offer, and with one click they move on.
Thus, you can again see the importance of traveling the leadership Path, even as you utilize the Internet. You need to be gaining and applying these leadership skills in real time and real space, and apply them along with your virtual skills in virtual space.
Finally, just like some MLM Gurus working offline are actually in the training business, not the MLM business -- many people who start to excel at "Attraction Marketing" get seduced into making that their prime focus, selling eBooks and giving advice online for a high fee. It's a good income, a good job -- but still a job you have to come back to everyday!
Remember: We are after the long-term residual income of a real MLM. That is why we are in this industry in the first place. Do NOT get diverted from that prime purpose and get seduced into an online marketing business. That does not build an actual MLM network. There is no perpetual income. If you stop working constantly at that online marketing business, your income will slow, and then eventually stop.
So, take time to learn how to wisely utilizing the speed, low-cost, and tremendous reach of the Internet to attract motivated customers and prospects to you. Then integrate them into your long-term perpetual income opportunity.
Once you do, you'll find the this process finally provides the average person with the first truly part-time business model that works. And you will actually see that it's more duplicateable than the traditional warm and cold market methods most MLM practitioners are still trying to use.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Elena Petrova - The Golden Rules Of Online DatingAbbas Abedi - 5 Steps To Online Dating Success
Elena Petrova - Scam Prevention Tips For Online Dating
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