But as I mentioned before, I do believe, it is two components necessary to call depression out, but before we overview the second one let's briefly discuss what kind of depressions there are. I tried to look for the examples around me to illustrate all of these kinds, and considering that almost half of population is more or less depressed, it was not a problem to find them.
1. A normal depression (if a word 'normal' can be put with a word 'depression' at all) this depression occurs after a loss or a mental pain. A woman in her early thirties. A jewelery designer. Married very young. 11 years in marriage. No children. Than a divorce. Same month a loss of job. I do believe it is pretty hard to move back to your mother than you are 33 and to find out in few months that not only your ex-husband has a new girlfriend but she is even pregnant already. Not to get depressed in this kind of situation would mean you are not really a hommo sapiens. Just the thing with a normal depression is - that it passes. Nature puts everything back in order again and the clouds go away. It did take her half a year though, but it just passed. She has a new job, took a loan for a new apartment, started going out 'hunting' again. And I don't think she is any near of being depressed. It was way too many wrong circumstances at the same time but now it's over. Same as depression is.
The other two kinds of depression are called depressive disorders:
1. Unipolar depression. This kind of depression is classified as a depressive disorder and is different from bipolar depression by the fact that it does not involve mania. There is no strong distinguishing between a normal depression and a unipolar one as well. Unipolar depression is much closer to a normal one than to the bipolar. It is diagnosed and described exactly the same as the normal depression, negative change: in thought, mood, behavior and physical responses. The only difference I notice between the normal depression and a unipolar one is that unipolar one treated clinically. But this might not depend only on the fact that the case is worse than in normal depression but mostly on the fact whether a patient seeks for help or not. If the above mentioned friend of mine would had been seeking for clinical help I am absolutely sure they would have prescribed her medicine, etc. But she didn't, so I gave her as example of the normal depression.
2. Bipolar depression. This kind of depression is also called a 'manic depression' so basically it consists of two parts: mania and depression. Mania is a psychological condition with a set of symptoms that look like the opposite of depression: euphoria out of sudden, frenetic talk and action and inflated self-esteem. This kind of depression is much more heritable than the other kind. This depression needs to be treated medically as it is an actual illness. It is pretty easy to recognize people having bipolar depression. If one day she comes to you and cries on your shoulder complaining about everything you could ever think of and it lasts for several week: she doesn't eat, doesn't want to get out of bed, to talk, to do whatever. You can see that she is drowned in self pity and you have no idea how you can help. But then, the other day she is just extremely happy. You come for a visit, expecting to see her all on the couch again but she opens the door with a cocktail dress and make up, runs around the flat cleaning and you can see that she was cooking like for 4 hours non stop as the amount of food on the table could feed half of Africa. She is happy. Not even happy - she is euphoric. And than these two conditions start changing each other out of sudden. However, medicine can control it.
Now we came to the second factor, which I do believe, influences why some people get depressed and the others don't - it is pessimism. But to continue this let's move to the next blog post
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