Friday, January 7, 2011

Places To Meet Women For A Shy Guy

Places To Meet Women For A Shy Guy Cover
If you happen to be a shy guy, approaching a woman, striking up a conversation, and then asking her out can be a daunting task. You have to break the ice, figure out how to keep the conversation going, and then ask her for her number at the right moment so she does not shoot you down. If you are shy, think of some places to meet women that might make these tasks easier.

Religious Activities

If you are a practicing member of a particular faith, you can meet women at a religious event. If you have been attending the church or synagogue for a while, you probably have a good idea of which women in the community are already in relationships and which women are single. Also, by attending a weekly service, you will become familiar with the women who attend. You might have already casually said hello to some of them before or after service. Wait for a social event sponsored by the church, such as a picnic or Bible study, and pick a moment to strike up a conversation.
Social Networking

Social networking websites and dating websites allow users to interface with many different people from the comfort of their own home. If there is a woman who you know casually, or who you would like to meet, you can send her a message through her profile, or write on her message board. If she engages in the conversation, you have the comfort of responding in your own time, and being able to write the words exactly as you wish to say them to her in the message. If she does not engage in the conversation, you can simply move on to finding someone else to date. You have not had to suffer the embarrassment of being rejected in person.
Cooking Class

If you enjoy cooking or baking as a hobby, or simply need some improvement on your omelet making, join a cooking class. The ratio of women to men in the class will most likely be in your favor. Sometimes cooking classes instruct people to partner up or work in groups. This can be a good way to naturally be placed in a group with someone you are interested in dating. After you strike up a conversation, you can invite her over for dinner. After all, now you know how to cook.
Volunteer Organizations

While the point of volunteering is to help someone else in need, it can also be an interesting place to meet women. Think of a passion you have in terms of volunteering. You might be an animal lover, want to build houses for the less fortunate, or work at a local soup kitchen. Sign up with one of these local organizations, and as you are working see if there are any women you would like to date. Oftentimes you are working on projects with other people. This will give you a natural entree into a conversation with someone you find appealing. You will also have the passion for the charity or volunteer organization in common, which is something you can continue if you move from dating into a relationship.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

David Deangelo - What Women Hate Most About Single Guys
Scot Mckay - How To Meet Women On Twitter

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