Friday, February 19, 2010

Remember Their Name

Remember Their Name Cover
Dale Carnegie used to say that there is no more enjoyable sound in the world than hearing a person’s own name. Think about it for a moment. How good does it feel when someone calls you by name, especially when it’s unexpected? Give that feeling to others as often as possible. And don’t tell me you can’t remember names. It’s not true. That just means you don’t care enough. Sure it’s hard to do. Most people are so busy thinking of their first impression that they never even hear the other’s name in the first place.

Be interested enough to remember. Say their name over in your head a few times and repeat it back to them three times within the next few minutes. I even write down their name in my iPhone as soon as I get a free minute, and add a few descriptors to help me remember. It’s that important to me. I don’t care if it’s a new face at a networking event, a hotel manager or my waiter. Have the courtesy and interest to remember their name. You never know when you’ll cross paths again.

If you really want to throw someone through a loop, call them by name hours or days after a very brief first introduction. They will respond wilh so much energy it will blow your mind. At the core of every customer is a person. And we all love to be known. Bonus points for remembering their kids, friends or spouse’s names.

Recommended books (free to download):

Steve Scott - Supreme Confidence With Women
Derek Lamont - The Online Game
Dating Insider - Getting The First Date

Labels: practical tips  four reasons fail  signs interested  different attractive  keep interested  pickup artist nightclub  vicious dating  stop woman  invisibility philosophy  army leadership  inner esteem  tables avoid part  


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