Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dating And Men Like Me How To Handle Them

Dating And Men Like Me How To Handle Them Image
Dating and men, understanding them can be so hard especially when they focus on meeting more girls rather than landing to a permanent relationship or aiming to find love. I have dated girls for eight years just to show my friends how I can easily attract women and how well-known I am. Perhaps, today when you bump into a waiter or a restaurant manager in Miami and ask about me, they'll surely remember. I dated not to find love but to find pleasure and good time. Dating and men like me is hard to deal with especially if a woman likes a stable relationship or hopes to find love in dating. Some women I dated turned icy on me after realizing I'm just a jerk. Here are some tips on how to understand dating and men.


Men tend to speak and act according to what they feel. You don't have to read his mind just to know what he thinks because he shows and talks about it. Dating and men tip number one is communicate your mind too with your man. Men find it hard to read women so it is better to convey your message directly to him. Remember, you also find love through transparency in every relationship.


Dating and men tip number two is to always give your man a worthy praise. Men don't like to hear about their mistakes from their dates but would respond positively to your good comments. When communicating something negative to your date, say it in way that he can take it constructively. Do it only after a couple of dates and not on your first date. Try to give love to find love.


You might think the all men are the same but it is actually the opposite. Watch your guy and notice that he's different. Notice the things that he likes and the things that he tries to avoid. Dating and men both need your observation; it is for you to understand it better. This will also help you decide if you already find love to your or he will just be a part of your circle of friends.


Find love by communicating with men on the same medium. How are you going to do that? Do it by knowing men as analytical people. They don't focus much on emotions but rather on details. Say for example, he mentioned he didn't like your baked cookies, don't take it as he didn't appreciate your effort but ask him what his reasons are. Perhaps you baked it too sweet that it can be bad for his health. Dating and men tip number four is you should try to communicate effectively with your date using his language.

There you have the tips girls. Keep in mind too that you have to control yourself when meeting new men. If you think you will really like the person, don't make him notice right away because if you do, we guys tend to be more playful and silly. Reserve those kinds of emotions when you have already known the person well.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Chris - Dating Groundwork How To Have More Social Success
David Deangelo - Attraction And How To Create It

Labels: best love pick up lines  corny pick up lines  dating pick up lines  usa online dating  dating a married woman  mature online dating  bad pickup lines for girls  men for dating  group leadership skills  what is body language  david deangelo  self hypnosis techniques  


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