I think most of the post have some valid points. But let me tell you though nothing kills the mood when your picking and cleaning up after your spouse especially when you come home after a ten or eleven hour shift. The house was clean before I left it can damn well be clean when I get home! So if that means that my manly man does some dishes Well then he can lower himself from his big manly pedestal for the duration. And that concept is for everything BC I will be damned if he thinks he is too good to do what I do while I work just as much. And lets face it with this economy most families cannot survive without the dual income. So squash the man does the manly shit while women at sit home and do domestic stuff all day Like starching our husband's underwear.
A relationship is a two way street. Love is a two way street. So is sex. It is very disheartening when you feel like your romancing a boardespecially when you think the board is judging you. Does a board turn u on? No. So to make sure there isn't a board in the bed you need to set the mood, seduce, get the field ready before your in the bed. Make them more malleable to what you want. Before your in bed So don't piss the other person off four hours ago and expect them to role over. And lets face it guys a grope here a grope there doesn't work. Women are not light switches. Its not like u grab our boob and we are all of a sudden wet in the panties. And the "TADA!" act does not work. So don't be all like look what I got for you! And expect us to be amazed and turned on. So take the time and set the mood! Actually make an effort! This goes for girls too.. but I admit the "TADA!" works better for the female to the guys though.
How to set the mood. Well u need to start listening first off. What does your spouse like? There is a great book that can help you find that outyou may already know it.. I can't remember the author or the name though, but it is about the five love languages.
TOUCHING (holding hands, hugging, having sex, touching them throughout the day, kissing),
QUALITY TIME (one on one time, going for a walk, sitting and listening about their day, a picnic, a conversation),
GIFTS (a flower, chocolate, jewelry, a new tool, a book),
WORDS (saying I love you, saying you appreciate what they do, saying they are beautiful, tell them how u feel, tell them thank you for doing the laundry, or for being there),
ACTS OF SERVICE (yes doing the dishes, cooking, helping them around the house, running an errand for them, making the bed, usually something that bothers them)
It has basically narrowed down to those five almost anything you can think of can be labeled under one of these. Once you figure out what your spouses language is you can "speak" to them in a way that is more understandable to them. It will make them happy. And sex is very much tied into the emotionsyour happy your more willing to to have sex. If your pissed generally you don't want to sleep with the person who pissed you off in the first place.. So make them feel good..
If u figure out what things speak to your spouse then they will be happier and your marriage will most likely be better and happier. So instead of doing all those things previously listed find what works My husband is a touch person. If he is unhappy or mad at me all I really got to do is pet, rub, kiss on him, hug on him, even sleep with himand he is in a much better mood.
Some of you said I've tried this I've tried that and nothing seems to workwell find out which language is theirs. Speak it. And they WILL respond. This does take an effort. It takes a drive to wanna make it work. This is right up there with the love dare thing. You try hard enough it will work. The better the marriage outside the sheetsthe better it will between the sheets.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Gunwitch - Dynamic Sex LifeJulius Fast - Body Language
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