Tuesday, September 29, 2009

6things He Wants You To Do On A First Date

6things He Wants You To Do On A First Date Image
A first date can range from an awkward interview to possibly a great soul-mate. The first time I went on a date, it was possibly the most embarrassing experience. A few years later, I went out with her friend and I never had so much fun. Why was it so different? The two girls were pretty similar in all aspects. I didn't grow much more handsome. Simply, I became a little more sensible. So here are some tips for you women to help avoid that extremely awkward 'interview' date where both of you are struggling for conversation and you just want to run away as quickly as possible.

* KNOW ONLY AS MUCH AS YOU SHOULD: In this era of Facebook and MySpace, it is very easy to look up what's going on in your date's life. See his pictures, his old haircuts, girlfriends, interests, etc. Don't mention anything beyond reason. "So I saw that you like Elton John. Me too." This will throw him off because he will wonder why the hell do you know that. Let it come naturally.
* FLIRT, BUT NOT TOO EXCESSIVELY: Men like to feel in control. You should be tempting him on, but do not initiate the first move. Make him lust for you, desire you. Amp it up slowly to a crescendo. Allow him to check you out, and check him out. Show him your interest, but hold it back slightly and it will drive him crazy. Have fun with your flirtation and be natural.
* LAUGH LAUGH AND LAUGH. Guys know they're supposed to make the girl laugh when on a date. Do you know how much pressure this puts on them? As cool and poised as every guy might seem, underneath they are insecure little boys wondering if their jokes are funny. Boost his confidence up when he says something lame. The better stuff will come I assure you. Let him get into his groove and soon you'll be laughing for real.
* LAUGH MORE. Laugh at yourself. Did you do something clumsy? Nobody's perfect. In fact, most guys will be intimidated by how you look, that seeing you laugh at yourself will make them feel more comfortable. He will go from "Am I really on a date" mindset to "this girl is really cool" mindset.
* DONT CHECK OUT OTHER GUYS. Guys are sentimental creatures. Don't talk about your cute guy friends that play football and make 200 grand a year. Unless your guy makes 300 grand a year, that will bruise his ego. We compare ourselves non-stop. "Is his bicep bigger than mine? Am I taller?" He does these things enough on his own; don't trigger these bad memories by pulling out your IPhone to talk about your male friend who happens to be a model. While you might think it sounds like good conversation, he will be cringing on the inside.
* DONT SHOW OFF. Have you noticed the recurring motif yet? It's largely about making the guy feel good about himself. While this may sound like guys are extremely selfish creatures, (we are) it allows us to feel comfortable around you. By making your guy feel like he is the next big thing, he will come to really cherish you, allowing himself to open up more and hence allowing yourself to really open up as well.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Love Systems - The Ultimate Guide To Text And Phone Game Bonus Chapter 3
Tyler Durden - Girls Who Want To Be Forced
Dating Insider - Getting The First Date

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