Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dating Tips For Men Beware And Be Aware

Dating Tips For Men Beware And Be Aware Image
If you are looking for a person to grow old with or to share good life experiences with, then you must be searching for the most coveted Ms. Right. This article is created so that men like you could find the right dating partner, girlfriend or wife. This article will help you steer clear from women who will cause you heartache and problems if you don't know how to spot them for the first time.

The dating jungle is wrought with women who pretend to be Ms. Good to Shoes but later prove to be the devil's wife. They will bait you with good conduct, proper manners and a sweet demeanor and when they hook you into marriage, they will suddenly change face and drop all the pretensions leaving you troubled for the rest of your life. Remember that Beautiful is not necessarily Good, so don't get deceived with these dating tips.

First thing you must do is to be aware of the different types of dangerous women in the dating jungle.

1. The PMS queen - the drama queen diva who is prone to mood swings that certainly wreck your life in the long run.

2. Needie Nellie - the perpetual dependent girl who emotionally struggles for dependence but never works for it. Always clings on you emotionally causing a very unstable family relationship in the future.

3. The Material Queen - everything about her life is money, jewelry, designer clothes, bags and accessories. Material queen is easy to spot when dating, just be aware that women sometimes get sparks in their eyes when they find something interesting. When you see sparks flying from a woman's eyes everytime she comes close to expensive things, then you should be careful.

4. Ms. Shopaholica - is keeping you around with her until she finds a richer and more impressive guy than you. You get dumped after years of pretension and you don't even know it until it hits you right at the face.

5. Wedding Belle - you will know this type because even she already has a name for your kids even at your first date. She will create a fantasy storybook wedding devoid of real attachments.

6. The Ultimate Mom - You don't have a say on anything because she thinks she knows best for all of you.

7. Psycho Babbler - She is your nutty girlfriend who thinks she is a psychologist and constantly analyzes your relationship.

8. Merely Dirty Women - Women who are alcoholic and drug addicts. These women have their focus only on their first love, which is the substance of their choice. They have a tendency to go psycho and hurt your children as well as attack you physically. Steer clear away from them.

Here are some of the women you would want to get away from. They will trap you in an eternity of abuse and you and your children will suffer a lifetime of misery. This is why, knowing who your partner really is before marrying her is one of the most important dating tips so you can protect your happiness and your future.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

C Kellogg - Top Dating Tips For Weary Singles
C Kellogg - Dating Tips For Men Special Report

Labels: dating men  power body language  dating relationships  black men online dating  body language psychology  live online dating  relationship advice columns  ranj bins  becoming an alpha male  goal setting success  online dating advice for men  women body language  


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