Basically i dont know what is going on with my head but i get annoyed with my boyfriend a lot before i go to lesson he kisses me and hugs me but when i say bye he wants more when i have already said bye and i get annoyed and then he says why did you leave me with my hands in the air. When i had already said bye to him and just wanted to go to my lesson. Also if i am with him and i start talking to a friend and then i go back to him and talk to him he gets annoyed when i am talking to him its like he hates me talking to anyone but him its so annoying its like i have friends aswell and he is so possessive he just wants me to himself all the time i know its because he loves me but it is a bit overwhelming. I know a relationship involves two people but he needs to accept the fact that i have other people in my life aswell not just him. Ideas anyone im really angry right now/:
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Cucan Pemo - You Can Save Your Relationship And Marriage
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