1. Game doesn't work, it makes you robotic
2. You should learn how to be natural, etc etc
3. Just be confident and you'll be successful
Essentially all the same crap advice that I would get before I into pick up to begin with. I came across this guy lately who told me the game doesn't work and that he tried some of the routines and it made him feel robotic and then he quit shortly after and now he's blaming the entire system. Literally, all I see is a fat guy that goes to the gym, does a rep here and there, goes home and says that the gym doesn't work.
Quite frankly, I'm not here to prove anyone wrong, but the only person you're cheating is yourself if you're blaming others for your endeavors being unsuccessful.
I make it extremely clear to anyone I'm working with the amount of work it takes to get consistent good results with pickup, and realistically, you need to at the very least bit be getting out 2 nights a week, that's bare minimum, if you're not getting out that much, you shouldn't even take up the endeavor to begin with because you're just wasting your 1 night of time.
When I first started, I went out just about every single day for 3 months straight and by the end of those 3 months I started to "see the matrix". It's like the first time you drive a car, everything out of whack and you have to concentrate on everything, whereas nowadays, you're eating taco bell, talking on the cell phone, playing with your GPS and driving all at the same time and it just seems like second nature.
For the average person, DO EXPECT the first few months to suck, it's part of the process, you're piecing everything together and trying to make sense of it, so if you're not getting laid out the gate, don't sweat it, it'll come with time.
Trust me, I know the feeling, it does NOT feel good to pay 20 for parking, 20 for club cover, go inside of a club, stand around for a bit, finally summon the courage to approach a girl with a canned opener and then she calls you a social robot, THAT sucks. That was me for the first couple weeks, but I made strides, I wrote field reports everyday and slowly but surely, I got to my destination.
Remember, competence, NOT confidence, is what you're ultimately striving for here.
Everybody has humble beginnings!
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Chris Jackson - Leadership SkillsDylan Morgan - Hypnosis For Beginners
Stylelife Academy - Wing Well
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