Sunday, December 13, 2009

Non Verbal Cues To Representational Patterns

Non Verbal Cues To Representational Patterns Cover
Eye movements signify which coding systems is bein; accessed. If someone was recalling a telephone conversation, her eyes would be shifting to the left or right. The future or past aspect of this diagram depends of the handedness of a person. If he is right
handed the future is to his right, This information is helpful to catch all the clues of someone’s coding system.

- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinestetic


Strategy - A strategy is a particular sequence of representations that, when followed, produces a specific behavior or outcome leading the rapport.

Criteria- What if fakes to fulfill the strategy. C/osely linked to values. All criteria serves to move a person towards an objective or away from a problem.

Most of us use a combiitiou of the five representational systems to a specific state, behavior, or emotion. For example, can you think the last time you decided what you wanted to eat? Did you first see a picture, then imagined what it would taste like? Or did you smell it first, then imagine the taste? Let’s test it.

Simple Strategy:

What if I said to you, right now, “Would you like some hot fajitas?” What is your answer. Yes or No. Now, the important thing is not the answer it is the process you used to get the answer. When I think about fajitas the first thing that pops &~to the sound of sizzling steamy’fresh chicken crackling the air. Then almost instantly I visualize in full color a picture of the waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe carrying the black cast iron skillet to my table packed full of the colorful entree’. Then, I imagme, as my mouth starts to water, what it will be like to chomp down on the slightly blacked chicken with a mouthful of guacamole and sour cream. After imaginmg all that inside my head, what do you think my answer would be?

But more importantly, how could you sell me on a different type of food. It is very simple. Fmt, &scribe the smell. Then paint a picture of how good it looks. Then, tell me how it taste. If you do it in that order, convincingly, I will want it. It’s the process. In this case, the order is just as important as creating believable images for me to see, hear, or taste. Likewise, if you have seven digits, of all equal value, the order you push them on the telephone is critically important to who will pick up on the other end. Begin to recognize the order that people access certaiu systems.

Eliciting Attraction Strategy

So, can the same strategy elicitation and playback work for having someone’s mouth water over dating you? Of course. Frost you must find out a time when s/he really wanted a specific lover. You will rarely get the exact criteria if you generalize. Be specific. Ask about a certain person. For this example you are a woman out on a date with Art You are midway through the main course when the conversation turns to past relationships. You used to dread this part of the conversation but this time you lolow it will give you the information that you need to discover his love strategy. You spend as little energy as you can on the break up. What you are interested in, and say it, is why you found her attractive in the first Place:

“When did you realize that you were ‘really attracted to her?”

Or, if you at-e not takiug about a specific person.. .

“Art, can you remember a time when you were totally attracted to someone?”

Remember the content of this memory is not important (If the content seems to be too important choose another memory. For example if he chooses the girl that just dumped him yesterday, he may have a hard time visualizing her picture without feeling the pain of the breakup. Choose his first love, or someone he really felt attracted to but never actually went out with.) Your mission is to get Art into the state of being attracted.

“Art, can you tell me the very first thing that caused you to be attracted? Was it...
Something you saw? Or was it...
Something you heard? Or was it...
Something you felt?”

His response might be something like think

- “How could I ever forget that? Jeep, it was like rockets went off in my mind. I was just wild about that girl know? I can just see her now, right there in my mind’s eye, standing behind the pizza counter smiling with
those her big blue eyes staring at me.”
- “And the very first thing that attracted, you was...”
- “Oh yeah, it had to be here eyes. She just looked so innocent, so sweet; ”
- “Art, after you saw her there next to the pizza counter, what was the very next thing you remember that attracted you? Was it...
Something you saw? Or was it...
Something you heard? Or was it.. .
Something you felt?”

Again, you have asked him to be very sensory specific.

“Hmmm. I can’t recall exactly. I just remember me saying to myself. What a great girl. She must be so sweet. I wish I had a girlfriend like that” That’s when she said ‘Hi’ to me. ”

So, now you know the second part of his love strategy is auditory. He has to say something to himself or hear her say something. Of course you now know the next question.

“Art, after you saw her standing there, you told yourself you wanted a girlfriend like her, and she said hi... what was the very next thing that you remember that attracted you in that intense way? Was it...
Something you saw? Or was it...
Something you heard? Or was it...
something you felt?”

“There is nothing more I can recalL After we talked briefly, I just knew. I just had that feeling. I just wondered how good it would feel to hold herm my arms. There are some things that you just get a feeling about. Y’know.. . right here in my stomach.”

Now that Art has told you such seemingly unimportant details, you have the exact love potion to tnm his motor on and tnrn hhn into your melting love slave. He begins with a picture, then sounds, then feelings. Now, replay it in a different content.

Remember that a good portion of establishing rapport has much to do with offering back someone’s behavior, we may now begin to weave Art a story that taps in to his attmction strategy. We base this methodology on the unconscious delight we experience when we’re related to through metaphor.

Knowing Art’s attraction strategy will allow you to tell him a story (content) around the framework (context) of his attraction formula, thereby causing him to be attracted. Keep this in mind Remember deep levels of rapport can be initiated by running his strategy but changing the content so as to bypass his consciousness.

You find him suddenly and miraculously attracted at some unconscious Level. Your statement using his attraction strategy. different content.

“Art., judging from, your point of view, it looks to me like you can really see what attracts you to someone. I’ve had the same experience. Just by looking at the right person will literally make my bells chime. I just go inside and say “Hmmm, what a great smile, what great eyes. So attractive. Just my type.”

You know in that tone of voice. It tells me, in that warm special way, that this person is special. It just creates butterflies in my stomach. Can you image that happening to you, instantly?’

Realize how effective this simple system is. The above example simply used the representational systems only. Imagine how powerful you will be when you begin to combined this technique with the other tools you will learn (anchoring, submadalities, and Magic words).

Suggested reading (pdf e-books):

Ken Lingu - Basic Massage Course Elementary Tutorial Notes
Chris Jackson - Importance Of Non Verbal Communication In Military Leadership
Milton Erickson - Milton Model And Hypnotic Patterns

Keywords: ways night  introduction seduction  past relationships  take control  myths about marriage  woman pickup artist  about values  even successful  cory skyy  ultimate getting with  common make woman  girlfriend attract  


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