Thursday, August 20, 2009


Mystery Cover
Mystery AKA Erik von Markovik is often referred to as being the top Pick Up Artist in the country. In fact it is hard to find a publication, video or book on the scene that does not reference him or his “skills” when it comes to teaching men how to meet, date and seduce beautiful women. Some individuals may believe he has relied on his good looks to achieve this level of notoriety, but as anyone who has seen him on VH1’s series “The Pick Up Artist” will tell you this is clearly not the case- he is a slightly quirky “average guy” who has some really awesome skills when it comes to women and teaching.

Mystery first gained mainstream attention, when he was profiled in Neil Strauss’s New York Times bestselling expose, The Game, in which his personal success with women was revealed and propelled him into the limelight as a trainer and a personality. Mystery is the creator of "The Mystery Method” which is both a book and a series of effective boot camps or seminars, which are known to sell out worldwide. However, he has now turned this system into a DVD set, thereby giving men access to his techniques 24/7 in the privacy and comfort of their own home-at a much lower price.

The Mystery helps men work on building both their “inner” and outer” game, so that they too can successfully start engaging beautiful women on every level. Men who have used both the book and the DVD system reported that they achieved a greater level of success with the DVD series. While the written word can be effective for some men, many of us know that film and video is a medium which can really capture the true essence of a system, such as this one.

For this reason, those who want to know more about Mystery and the seduction scene before making a purchase have been actively viewing an amazing video entitled - Game On Documentary. The seduction scene has its own terminology, rituals and culture all of which are explored in this documentary.

Suggested reading (free books):

Julius Fast - Sexual Chemistry
Gabrielle Moore - The Male G Spot Mystery
Cr James - Lustpower

Keywords: pua style contraceptive patch evra revealed feelings patterns like


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