On the key issue of STRATEGIC DRIVE, female executives scored higher than males. The research report says, "[Females] will be more confident, competitive, visionary and have a stronger presence." And they were stronger on PEOPLE SKILLS. "They need and enjoy companionship, will be more diplomatic and thoughtful in their relationships, will care about people and have a strong sense around the importance of teams, networks and communities."
Males outperform females on BOTTOM-LINE DOLLARS, showing that their key motivation is around revenue, budgets and profit. "In the private sector and in other organisations concerned with fiscal performance, this will give males an advantage. If you are looking for hard-nosed, take-no-prisoners performance, then males have the stronger profile." Males have scored higher on "control and command" and "bottom line dollars". "Because [men] dominate executive positions, these two factors will set the tone of the culture for the whole of the organisation."
This research brings the need for balanced, diverse leadership styles into clear focus. To check the significance of untapped female talent in your organisation, please review the Australian Chief Executive Women's CEO Toolkit.When you're ready to diversify the leadership styles of your management and executive teams through women in leadership, give Vivent'e a call.
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