Tuesday, November 27, 2007

3 Powerful Seduction Tips For Men

3 Powerful Seduction Tips For Men Cover
Desire is a powerful force. Restrain it too much, and it overwhelms you. Express it too much, and it overwhelms her. It feels like a no-win situation for a man desiring intimacy with a woman, but it's not. You can have all your desires with a woman fulfilled if you know how to go about fulfilling her desires. And that's what these 3 poignant seduction tips for men are all about.

Give Your Views on Sex a Little Makeover

Make sex mean to you what it means to her. Men perceive sex very much as an activity for granted, the most desirable activity there is, but an activity nonetheless. To men, sex is something extremely pleasurable to do. To women, on the other hand, it is nothing less than an expression of shared intimacy.

In order to seduce women, then, you need to shift your perspective on sex to value it similarly to how she does. Women find men who value the preciousness and meaningfulness of sex a turn-on.

Put Your Attention on Her

A seductive man is one who is not self-absorbed. A man whose obviously very -into himself- is a total turn-off to women. All seduction tips worth a damn involve stepping outside of yourself, your insecurities, and your own little inner world and putting your attention on the outer world, most particularly on the woman you're trying to seduce. Women find it very attractive when the man that they're with seems genuinely interested in her, and more, in providing her pleasure.

It's not about what you like; it's about what she likes. It's not about what you want; it's about what she wants. Focus on what she likes and what she wants, both on discovering it and providing it, and you will find that what you want and what you like will naturally follow in due course.

Remember as you make any moves towards seducing women, that if all your energies are trained on a genuine desire to bring her pleasure, then you will automatically receive sex pleasure as a result. Make her happy and you'll be happy - it's a simple and oft-forgotten law of nature that works every time.

Let Her Make the First Move
Yeah, in most other ways, you're the one who's got to make the first move. But in the art of seducing women, it works a little differently. Here your job is to set the stage for her to be the one to make the first move.

It's not so much a power-play provoking women to want to make the first move (though, in this instance, it is definitely they who have the power)as it is a feeling of safety. A come-on from a guy can make a girl uncomfortable if she's not ready for it. It can pressure her in ways that completely shut her down. And that can greatly set back all your efforts to win her over.

By holding back your sexual desires, maintaining a nonthreatening demeanor, and waiting for her to come on to you, you're taking off that pressure, helping her to feel safe with you. And when she feels safe with you, she'll want to be with you even more. Once she realizes that you're not just out for one thing, that one thing will become increasingly overpowering inside her.

Granted, it generally takes much longer for a women to "get there" - to want to have sex with the man they're with - than it takes a man. But you can shorten that duration by setting the best stage you can for her.

Then, when she's ready, watch out! She'll pounce on you like a hungry tigress.

Suggested reading (pdf e-books):

Elena Petrova - Scam Prevention Tips For Online Dating
Alphahot1 - Seduction Trends
Amargi Hillier - Mind Power Seduction

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