Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Theres A Big Difference Between A Milf And A Dilf

Theres A Big Difference Between A Milf And A Dilf


MILFs don't exist. Not really. There is an entire section of the internet dedicated to these" Mothers I'd Like to F*ck" (or at least a popular sub-section of a very popular part of the internet), but little evidence of the key characteristic of MILFdomnamely, motherhood. You will almost never see a picture of a MILF caring for her child. In most cases, thankfully. But this omission is not just for, "err", pragmatic reasons; the crux of the MILF's hotness is that it's hard to believe she is someone's mother. DILFs, or D"ads I'd Like to F*ck", are a newer phenomenon and vastly different. They're sexy because of how affectionate they are with their children. They're desirable because they're parents, not in spite of it.

Apparently "very" desirable. The Instagram account @DILFs of Disneyland has over 200,000 followers! These pictures are just normal--well, better looking than normal--dads doing normal dad stuff, like pushing strollers, carrying babies, and posing with their kids and Disney characters. A good number of them seem to have beards and/or tattoos. Maybe it's the juxtaposition of strong men showing their sensitive side that is the turn on. Whatever it is, there is no MILF equivalent on Instagram. A Google search for MILFs will need to be immediately removed from your search history. "Honey, I swear it was research for a blog post!" may work once, but it better be a damn good blog post.

Maybe the difference is about expectations. We expect women to be good moms. That's what we're taught women are biologically built for. Not only does the baby literally sprout from your loins, but you ladies then carry his food supply on your chest! It is a truism that "ordinary" is not sexy. Women are supposed to be the care-givers, the nurturers. It is what we expect. It's so commonplace that we don't even think about it. When a man sees a woman at the playground putting a bandaid on her daughter's knee and comforting her, he doesn't give the scene a second glance. Unless that woman is really hot and bending over, showing a bit of cleavage. ThenMILF ALERT! But it has nothing to do with her maternal instinct or the tenderness she is showing. She is just a totally bangable chick. With a kid? That's crazy. "She looks way too young to be a mom!"

This is in stark contrast to the DILFs of Disneyland or anywhere else. Yes, they're good looking dudes. But that is not why they're DILFs. It's because they are being extraordinary. Sad as it is to say, the bar is not set particularly high for fathers. This is changing, but sometimes it feels like an uphill battle. We start out at a disadvantage. If men were the ones giving birth or had a highly functional baby-sustaining body body part, it would be a different story. Hell, it wouldn't even have to be baby-sustaining. Just something! If the primary purpose of a man's back hair was to diaper his newborn, I don't think we'd be too surprised to see him a couple years later walking hand-in-hand with his daughter or giving his son a kiss. It would clearly be what he was genetically designed to do. Unfortunately, back hair is useless (and in no way helps DILF status). Another problem is society's acceptance of the (mostly out-dated) idea of the "idiot dad" who is afraid to show any affection and is there merely provide financial support for his family. Thus, seeing a man share a tender moment with his children is still, unfortunately, extraordinary and, therefore, sexy.

It may be an impossible dream, but I hope that someday in the near future DILFs, like MILFs, no longer exist. It would be amazing if DILF pics were just hot guys of a certain age. The DILFs of Disneyland will need to crop those pesky kids out the pictures to make the men more appealing. WE WILL KNOW DADS ARE TRULY CO-EQUAL PARENTS WHEN GUYS CAN BE OBJECTIFIED JUST FOR THEIR LOOKS. It won't matter if we're pushing our kids in the swing, expertly braiding their hair, deftly changing a diaper or bending down for an adorably exaggerated kiss. Once you expect us to be care-givers and nurturers, none of these acts will impress you. They'll be commonplace. Until you notice that the dad bending down to give his son a kiss has a really nice butt and is totally bangable. DILF ALERT! No way that dude has a kid!


"Originally appeared at AmateurIdiotProfessionalDad"


"Photo of Charlie Capen from DILFs of Disneyland, used with his permission."

The post There's a Big Difference Between a MILF and a DILF appeared first on The Good Men Project.



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