Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Great Idea For Improving Self Confidence

A Great Idea For Improving Self Confidence Cover
A great idea for improving self confidence is to learn how to celebrate your achievements in life. It’s often easier to dwell on the things you can’t do, or the mistakes you have made, but the reality is that there are things that you will be able to do better than most people, and even one or two things at which you will excel.

Have a think about the things you do well and give yourself credit for them. For instance, think about the skills you need to do your job- chances are you are able to complete tasks which others would feel unable to attempt. If you are a stay at home mom, think of all the skills needed to raise happy healthy children. Think about all the things others come to you for- are you able to fix cars better than any mechanic? Do you bake the best cakes? Are you the one your friends always turn to when they need relationship advice or a shoulder to cry on? These are all achievements and should be celebrated as such.

If you are finding it difficult to think of anything you are good at, try asking other people- you may be surprised at the answers! We often overlook our own strengths and fall into the trap of thinking we have nothing of value to offer. One good way to celebrate achievement is to write your own Achievement Inventory- get a good quality notebook and write down everything you have achieved so far during the course of your life. Chances are you have achieved far more than you realize. Don’t think you can only write major life successes- think of all the skills you use as a part of your job, or the little things you have done which have made a difference. These could be anything from helping a friend out in their hour of need to raising money for your favorite charity. Write down all the things you are proud of, no matter how small. Once you start writing, you should feel inspired- read through your Achievement Inventory regularly to give yourself a boost- and don’t forget to keep adding to it!

You could expand on this by writing another list- this time, write down all the things you would like to try, and make a commitment to yourself to go ahead and try them! Be as creative or adventurous as you like- write a novel, learn to paint, climb a mountain or read a book which has been recommended to you. If you prefer, start off with something relatively easy and move on to greater challenges, but make sure you enjoy each activity- if you find you are not enjoying it then move onto something else. Each new achievement will boost your confidence levels and should be added to your Achievement Inventory. As well as improving self confidence levels, you could find a whole new passion and talent in your life or even a new career!

Suggested reading (pdf e-books):

Dr Robert Antony - Total Self Confidence
Carlos Xuma - Supreme Self Confidence

Keywords: woman orgasm  thrusting  gurus language  success selling power  dynamics 2004  


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